Pastors WG & LJ Miles, Kingdom of Heaven Church International

Worship encompasses creating a dwelling place for God within us, a place where only He can dwell. That place can only be created and developed through a relationship with God when spending time in His Word.
Kingdom Citizens,
We have just entered into a season of a deliberate increase in our time of worship and prayer. When most hear the word worship they immediately think of singing and songs! As Believers, we do sing songs and lift our hands while being ushered into the presence of God or to show forth our adoration to Him, however, those practices can be described as “acts” of worship, although not worship itself. Worship encompasses creating a dwelling place for God within us, a place where only He can dwell. That place can only be created and developed through a relationship with God when spending time in His Word. Then out of that relationship we shout Hallelujah and lift our hands! Our personal devotion time with God through songs often serves to assist us in positioning our mindsets to allow this divine connection to take place. During this time, just like in the book of Acts 1 and 2, we must intentionally stay in position until we become one within ourselves and are clothed with the Holy Spirit ;or in other words you must wait for the divine guidance, confidence, and assurance concerning everything you desire or need (found only in Him) to show up before you move or make any decisions! Then you will begin to release declarations or “pray” with power and boldness, fully persuaded of His promises! You are about to begin to see an increase of prophetic utterances being spoken with accuracy and boldness and an increase of dreams and visions with accurate interpretations of them! This is all a part of the Takeover and the Inward Shift we have been declaring! God is pouring out His Spirit upon us! He is ushering us back into His presence, the original intent for our lives, the place where everything we need is located! So, be filled with wisdom, be filled with knowledge, be filled with understanding, be filled with the anointing and the power of God and receive strength for the mission of the Kingdom! Continue to prepare for what you are about to witness and the manifestations and demonstrations of God that you are about to share in here on the earth! Don’t worry about the timing of it all happening or how long it takes, but keep on persistently establishing and expanding God’s Kingdom, doing the Greater Works by picking up where Jesus left off, and watch God expand and make greater your capacity to receive! Be in full agreement with this!
Spirit of Excellence!

Pastors WG & LJ Miles
The Kingdom Of Heaven Church International